Houcon Zesdaagse

De Houcon Derny cup 2020
Tijdens een derny wedstrijd rijdt één renner van het koppel mee en rijdt een gelimiteerd aantal renners op de baan. De renners rijden achter een gangmaker op een gemotoriseerde derny. De gangmakers worden voor iedere rit door middel van loting aan de renners toegewezen. De gangmaker/renner-combinatie die als eerste de finish passeert is de winnaar. Eventuele ronden voorsprong tellen niet mee in het algemeen klassement. Ook hier is de puntenverdeling voor het algemeen klassement hetzelfde: 20, 12, 10, 8, 6 en 4 punten voor nummers 1 t/m 6.

Riwald Pascal de Baar Dakar 2020


Pascal de Baar is a legend in the Dakar. He started his career on a bike back in 2005 and changed to the trucks in 2009. As a fast assistance truck he was in the back of the field all the time, spending nights in the desert. If there is anyone with stories of great adventures, it is De Baar. Not only from the Dakar, also from his business, trading used trucks all over the world. In 2016 the Dutchman had the chance to go for his own success and his years in the back of the field helped him win the SuperSpecial, beating all the top trucks, to anyone’s surprise -also his own. This year De Baar, who likes experimenting, is back in the game as the second truck of Riwald Dakar. Count on him to spring another surprise.

De Baar: “I’ve skipped the Dakar for a few years for several reasons, but I wasn’t done with it yet. With the Riwald team we have a plan for three years in which both Gert Huzink and I will fight for the best possible position. I have a lot of experience I can count on, and so has my co-pilot Jan van der Vaet, and I think that this will be very helpful in the 2020 Dakar as well. All three of us are technically skilled and all three of us know about navigation, so we have three pairs of hands, three pairs of eyes.”